
Retro Tapes are USB memory sticks cleverly disguised as cassette tapes. They come chock full of awesome content from podcasters, musicians and writers. Why not have a browse at all of the amazing content on offer and get yourself a Retro Tape?


We are working with podcasters such as Sanspants Radio and Wooden Overcoats, musicians such as Hard Stairs and Gravehuffer and amazing up-and-coming writers to bring you the very best audio entertainment with added extras. Most people who release content on our Retro Tapes include never-heard-before content, early-access content or even higher-quality files to make your experience even better.




A Retro Rebrand

You may be thinking that Retro Tapes is very similar to Audiobooks On Tape. Well, that’s because we are the same people. After selling our ‘Audiobooks on Tape’ for a little more than a year we realised that they had much wider appeal and we were selling podcasts and music too. So we rebranded – …


Want to get your content on a Retro Tape? Want to just say ‘hi’ to us? Get in touch with the form below.